Employer matching gifts

Double or Even Triple Your Donation!

Many employers offer gift programs that match charitable donations made by their employees. Some companies may even match gifts made by retirees, spouses and board members. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, please enter your employer's name below.

If your company is listed, check to see if the matching gift form is available online. If not, please request a matching gift form from your employer.

If your company is not listed, check with your employer and ask if they have a matching gift program. Complete and sign your employer’s matching gift form, and follow their instructions on where to submit the form. Be sure to include your Catholic Schools Walk donation receipt.

If your employer doesn't have a matching gift program, ask that they consider starting one. For more information about matching gifts, contact Mary Ann Bickler at 414-769-3457, or by email at 

Thank you for making the Match for Catholic Education!

Note: Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee are accredited academic institutions, and qualify under matching gift programs that match for educational institutions but not religious institutions.

Mailing Address:

Archdiocese of Milwaukee
3501 South Lake Drive
Milwaukee, WI 53207-0912

Phone or Email:

Paige Rohr
Associate Director Catholic Schools Development

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